Struggling with debt?

The first step to getting help is to complete a referral form for yourself or for someone else. One of our team will then get in touch directly to arrange an appointment with one of our Debt Advisers.

Crosslight is a charity providing free debt and money advice to those in difficulty.

Our advice is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


Areas We Cover

We can see clients living in the following boroughs or council areas


Ealing Borough
Hammersmith & Fulham Borough
Hounslow Borough
Kensington & Chelsea Borough
Lambeth Borough
Richmond-Upon-Thames Borough
Wandsworth Borough


Sevenoaks District
Tonbridge & Malling District
Tunbridge Wells District

South West

Swindon Borough


What happens when you get in touch with us?


First off, you will speak with Kate, Ebony, Shequila or Omjeet – you’ll be in great hands! Their job is to find out a little more about your situation so that we can work out if we are the best people to help. And if we are, they will arrange an appointment for you with one of our advisers. Please note that our calls and client appointments are recorded.


We will then email you all the details you need for your appointment, including how to get ready and what information it would be helpful to bring/provide. We will also send you a text message with a link to our webpage which has more information including directions if your appointment is face-to-face.


If for any reason you can’t make your appointment, please do get in touch with us to let us know and we can rearrange it if necessary. If you don’t and you miss your appointment, it means someone else has had to go without.


Once you meet with your adviser, they will start the process of helping you deal with your situation. To find out more about how this works, click here.

Not in your area?

Here are other places you can get free debt advice or budgeting help.

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Working with Crosslight

Important things you need to know about how our services are delivered


We do not charge for our services

Crosslight is a charity, and our services are provided free of charge to those in need.

Things we cannot do

  • We are not able to provide advice about investments or taking out a regulated financial product. Nor are we able to provide advice on matters unrelated to your debts / financial difficulty, or provide specialist housing advice other than in relation to rent arrears / eviction

  • We will not pay any debts for you, nor can we give you any money

  • We will not be able to help you and will close your file if you do not engage with us, if you knowingly give us false or inaccurate information, or if you consistently miss your appointments

If things go wrong - how to make a complaint

Please do tell us if you feel unhappy with anything we have done, and we will do our best to put it right straight away. However if you feel that you would like to make a complaint about our service, you can find out how we will handle it and what your rights are by visiting our complaints page.

How we use your credit report

In order to give you the best advice, we may use information held about you by a credit reference agency - Experian, TransUnion, or Equifax (i.e. your ‘credit report’). This information will include electoral roll and financial data they hold about you as well as any other financial associations you may have. A record of this check may appear on your report but will not affect your credit rating

Call and appointment recording

Our phone calls and client appointments are recorded to ensure service quality and accuracy of information, to ensure client satisfaction, for training purposes, and to evidence regulatory compliance. We also use call transcription technology to create more accurate case notes and summaries. You can find out more in our Privacy Policy.


Ending the service

You may end your relationship with Crosslight at any time by letting us know that you no longer wish us to assist you. If you ask us to, we will close your file and stop acting on your behalf. In turn, Crosslight will close your file if you do not uphold your obligations outlined overleaf or you stop engaging with us.

Always your decision

Crosslight will advise you on your options and may recommend a course of action which we think is best for you, but it is always your decision as to what you would like to do.

How we use your personal information

If you use our service, we will ask you for personal information (‘data’) about your situation and finances. We take the privacy of your data very seriously and will ensure it is always securely stored and kept confidential. We are obliged to keep your data for regulatory and audit purposes for a period of six years after your case is closed.

We will never share your data with anyone else without your consent other than in certain limited circumstances such as for safeguarding, audit, or for other legal or regulatory reasons. You can find out more about what data we collect and how we handle it, as well as information about your data rights, in our Privacy Policy.

Your paperwork

Any paperwork you give us will be stored electronically on your case file in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We will not usually be able to return paperwork to you, so please make sure you keep original copies of anything important.

What we expect from you when using our service

If you start working with us, we ask that you:

  • Reply promptly to contact from us and attend your appointments at the agreed times

  • Act honestly and give Crosslight full and accurate information about your circumstances and debts

  • Tell us if your financial situation changes

  • Treat our team with courtesy and respect

Everyone’s journey out of debt is different and there are various ways of taking charge of your debts.

Find out more about your options for dealing with debt.